Damian Thater's


Unfortunately, since Google's acquisition of FitBit, this app is no longer available for download in the FitBit Store.

dt,,ShellGame is a "Shell Game" or "Thimblerig" game variant, where you must pay attention to a shell (or cup) hiding a pea, while all shells are floating around quickly. The game is getting faster by every correct answer... can you handle this beyond level 20? The game is for your Fitbit Versa™ and it's free!

CompatibilityFitbit Versa™
Release Date2018-09-04
Download Fitbit Store

dt,,ShellGame respects your privacy. None of your data is used at any time within the game (besides the download itself of cause).

Play dt,,ShellGame to increase your concentration skills. The game in unlimited in levels, so what will your score be?

dt,,ShellGame is international, it's multilingual. It comes absolutely without a word, it's just pure graphics.

Fitbit, the Fitbit logo, Fitbit Versa and Fitbit Iconic are trademarks of Fitbit Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.